Showing posts with label natural light photographer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural light photographer. Show all posts


Luke & Melissa | Wedding

This post is one of a young bride, the vow she wrote and the people that were there to hear it - a post that should have been posted a long, long ways back closer to the time...


Preview: K Family | Portraits

Culling through this family's images and remembering why I love October so much... oh, the light!


M Family | Portraits

If you're one of those "long time readers" of this blog, you might recall seeing pictures of this adorable family that I posted back in 2012.  I think this summer marked...

If you're one of those "long time readers" of this blog, you might recall seeing pictures of this adorable family that I posted back in 2012.  I think this summer marked the 4th time I've photographed the M family, and it's been so much fun to be the one capturing their developing personalities and be able to watch them grow each year.  After scouting a bit online, we decided on the Harrisonville city park where we found a beautiful lake and - much to little Cody, the boy of the family's, delight - a train cab!   Which, yes, we used for some of the girls' shots too... because its not everyday you get your picture taken on a train. =)  It being a red train, it went perfectly with their "4th of July" coordinated outfits!

Fun fact!  Mally's newborn pictures made up the first ever blog post on Anna Liz Photography! ;-)

Cody's "cool face"... haha!

When you have three sisters who all do cartwheels?  Well, you take a picture, of course!

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