
The Beauty of a Thorn | Personal

The many locust trees on our acreage don't usually make for a very pretty view. ;-) The long, sharp thorns growing along the locust's trunk and branches seem...


A Celebrated Life | Personal

So... we went to a beautiful funeral last week. Seems rather odd to call it beautiful, as a funeral is a sober event, yes? But we were celebrating the life of a beautiful person. She wasn't even yet 30, yet in the time we would say wasn't enough to even leave a legacy--she behind left one that testified such a wonderful picture to many of Christ and His work in her life. 
This brought me to wonder... 

What will those who know me remember about my life when the Lord takes me home? A life full of joyful service, a witness to God's abundant grace and love, or a life that's full of me?

Will I be a life celebrated?

It was indeed a beautiful funeral. 

What a more perfect way to go about celebrating another follower entering heaven to see Jesus face-to-face then to worship the Lord in song praising Him for His goodness!


Mally | Newborn

It was an absolute joy to spend time photographing this new (only four-day-old!) little one! And whaaaaat a cutie. ;-) Take a look for...


Gracie girl turns One | Portraits

Image may contain: 1 person




Welcome to the Blog! | Personal

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to every once in a while share a bit of what I'm seeing behind the camera... so stay tuned! ;-)

I'm Anna - welcome to my little home on the web.

Obviously since you're here... well, you've probably realized I have a little niche for snapping pictures, right?
The truth is, I can't help but love the ability to look back over years of my life through an old photo album

(or, yes... even a modern-day virtual gallery).

What comes to your mind when flipping through a collection of pictures?  For me, one of the first is that life is short -
truly a "mist",  a "fleeting shadow", a "passing breeze".

Yet I am also reminded of something else - we were given SO much more than just lungs with which to breathe.  We were given a glorious world to enjoy, unique journeys to travel, and fellow souls to walk through it with!

When looking through our picture books and photo galleries, I hope you and I see more than just how short each of our moments are.
I hope we become inspired to enjoy and find meaning in the one we're living right now, seeing how important it is to soak up and make the most of the time, relationships, and love that we share with others today.

That is what I hope to give as a photographer -
images that serve as a reminder that your life is a wonderful, beautiful, God-given gift.
Our lives are imperfect and days often undone, but I think each and every part of them should be noticed and appreciated for the treasures they are.

Oh, and me?
Well... I'm a perfectionist and a detail-oriented high school student.
Warm, glowy sunshine in every season makes my heart happy, as well as laughter caught on camera, the sound of a thunderstorm at night, and singing with my sisters of all ages... even during those times we just can't keep a tune.

Though my life will always be far, far from picture-perfect, I am blessed to be able to TRULY live because of the love, joy and purpose I find in knowing our Creator not only as my Maker - but as my Savior and my friend.

What about you?  I'd love to hear... !

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen."
{Romans 11:36}

Follow me on Flickr:
Anna Liz Photography. Get yours at bighugelabs.com
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